3 Practical Reasons to Use Software-Tracking Software


Many businesses rely on several software programs to keep up with their work processes. Accounting software, graphic design systems, client databases, and other computer programs are required to keep company information organized. Ironically, using software-tracking software is a great way to put all your business data and programs in one place.

Here are a few of the most common problems solved when you start tracking the software you and your employees use.

"Neglecting to keep records can result in you buying more licenses than you need or not having enough, which means you run the risk of getting audited if the software manufacturer finds out."

Store All Your Information in One Easy-to-Access Place

One of the biggest downsides that come from using multiple software programs is that you have a large amount of information spread across different platforms. Keeping all this information stored in various programs can cause mistakes in your data. For example, you can forget client tasks, which can ultimately lead to losing work. Using one program to keep track of your software licenses is a great way to reduce time spent looking for specific things.

Reduce Expenses by Eliminating Duplicate Licenses

Some programs require you to have one license per person using the software. However, neglecting to keep records can result in you buying more licenses than you need or not having enough, which means you run the risk of getting audited if the software manufacturer finds out. This is why using software-tracking software can be so important; this type of system will help you see exactly what programs you have access to, how many licenses you have, and which employees are currently using them.

Keep Maintenance Records in Your Software-Tracking Software

Many programs require regular updates to fix software bugs or add new features. However, when you have several licenses per employee, it can become incredibly complicated to track who is using what version of each program. Implementing a software-tracking software platform is a great way to keep tabs on which employees have access to which versions of your computer programs. You'll also be able to track what features are available in older versions and what options you can't do without.

Asset Panda is a great way to keep track of your various software licenses. Our flexible and easy-to-use app allows you to record everything related to your software licenses. Customizable fields make it easy to track things like software version, how many people can use each license, what each software is used for, and more.

Our platform also integrates with dozens of other applications, including Google Workspace. If you've previously stored your company information in Google Sheets, Asset Panda will effortlessly help you migrate your information over. If you have information stored in Google Directory, our platform will record it and store it safely. You'll be able to include any client information you've recorded in your Google apps in the relevant software fields.

Our cloud-encrypted platform is designed to keep your information safe. We know that you'll need to store sensitive information when tracking software assets. We've gone to great lengths to create a platform that makes it easy for you to access asset data while keeping it safe and secure. You won't have to worry about your data falling into the wrong hands. Your clients can also rest assured that their information is safe with you.

Want to see how Asset Panda can improve your business's software tracking process? Sign up for a free demo today!

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