Why Today’s Student Must Have Internet Access (and How To Provide It)


Technological advancements are only equally available to some students. Education today is subject to a digital divide that makes equal access to the Internet impossible. Students need internet access to take advantage of substantial educational opportunities that impact the country's future. More imaginative citizens will create better solutions and increase the quality of life for everyone involved.

Innovative schools are leading the way in providing internet access and leasing devices to students with school asset management software. This example can help schools in underprivileged environments offer a way for their students to succeed in the 21st century.

The Digital Divide in America's schools and the importance of Internet access

70% of schools nationwide don't have a high-speed internet connection. High-speed Internet allows users to keep up with growing website demands and access information on time.

Without Internet access, it's difficult for students to access educational videos on YouTube, articles addressing current events that impact their lives, and online tests or quizzes required in their coursework.

The importance of Internet access to students

90% of the information on the Internet has been created in the past year. Having access to the Internet allows students to keep up with information that might not make it into textbooks or become outdated by the time it becomes available in a traditional format.

Having access to this information empowers students to take charge of their education, and the research backs that up. Students with access to internet-capable devices tend to score higher on tests. Other studies showed that discipline issues decreased when students could use technology to help with their studies.

How students without Internet or computers at home fall behind

Low-income students often don't have access to devices at home. With the wealth of information and educational resources available on the Internet, students from working-class families can improve their social standing and even help their families get out of poverty. But without internet access, they're prevented from opportunities that could significantly improve their quality of life.

Laptop and tablet lending programs

Schools that want to institute a laptop and tablet lending or rental program face many issues.

Without a way to track educational assets, they could easily follow after hundreds of businesses in one year. The majority of schools across the nation have limited funding across the board, let alone have enough set aside to replace missing technology.

However, not providing students with access to the Internet prevents them from obtaining the skills they need to perform well in today's job market.

How public-private partnerships provide schools with Internet and devices

Some organizations allow schools to provide internet-capable devices to their students.

Several state and non-profit organizations also help students by renting out educational equipment and devices. These organizations support technology implementation that benefits students from all income levels.

The importance of asset tracking to control costs and preserve access

Teaching takes a lot of time, so it can seem overwhelming to implement an asset tracking solution. However, it can save time and money for educational environments.

Asset management systems make it more difficult for technology to disappear, ensuring students will continue to retain access to the technology necessary to succeed. Asset Panda will enable your school to make the most of your tech budget and continue providing the Internet to less privileged students.

Future Solutions: Closing the Digital Divide

Academic staff and other tech-focused companies agree that lower-income families need internet access. Providing accessible technology helps students enter the job market prepared, instead of entering with a handicap compared to those with easy internet access. Laptop lending programs are a great way to give lower-income students a way to access the Internet.

Promising ideas to create universal Internet access

Some commercial ISPs and other organizations are providing schools with industry-standard internet speeds. And just a one-gigabyte internet connection helps students use home internet access to improve their studies.

Educational institutions can customize our asset management software to help schools make the most of their technology. This ensures that all of their tech budgets help students access the Internet and improve their studies with online resources.

Interested in seeing how Asset Panda can help your school or educational facility with our asset management system? Use our platform free for 14 days (no card required) and get guidance from an asset management expert.

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